Guide to Benefits for American Express® Card Member
Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance
Key Terms
Throughout this document, you and your refer to a Card Member. We, us, and our refer to New
Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company, New York, NY.
Accident(al) means a sudden, unforeseen, and unexpected event which: (1) Happens by chance; (2)
arises from a source external to the Eligible Traveler; (3) is independent of illness, disease or their bodily
malfunction or medical or surgical treatment thereof; (4) occurs while you are insured under the Group
Policy; and (5) is the direct cause of loss.
Accidental Bodily Injury means an Accidental injury to the body of an external origin, unintentional and
unforeseen by the Eligible Traveler.
Administrator means the individual, corporation or other entity appointed as the administrator of the
Card Member means the holder of an Eligible Card in good standing who is a U.S. citizen or a legal
resident of the U.S. or a U.S. territory, including the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Puerto Rico,
Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
Common Carrier means any land, water, or air conveyance operating under a valid license for the
transportation of passengers for hire and for which a ticket must be purchased prior to commencing
travel. Common Carrier does not include taxis, limousine services, commuter rail or commuter bus lines,
personal automobiles, or rental vehicles.
Covered Trip means a period of round-trip travel to one or more destinations other than an Eligible
Traveler’s city of residence at the time of departure where: (1) The Eligible Traveler departs by
Common Carrier to begin the period of round-trip travel; (2) the period of round-trip travel ends when
the Eligible Traveler returns by Common Carrier to the city of departure; (3) the period of round-trip
travel does not exceed three hundred sixty-five (365) days away from the Eligible Traveler’s city of
residence at the time of departure; and (4) the Eligible Traveler charges the full amount of the cost of
transportation by Common Carrier(s) to your Eligible Card. The period of round-trip travel may consist
of roundtrip, one-way, or combinations of roundtrip and one-way tickets with Common Carrier(s).
Domestic Partner means a person who can provide documentation of registration of a Domestic Partner
relationship with another person pursuant to a state, county, or municipal provision or who meets all of
the following qualifications: (1) Has resided with his or her partner continuously for at least 12 months
in a sole-partner relationship that is intended to be permanent; (2) is not married to any other person;
(3) is at least 18 years old; (4) is not related to his or her partner by blood closer than would bar
marriage per state law; and (5) is financially interdependent with his or her partner as can be
documented by copies of joint home ownership or lease, common bank accounts, credit cards,
investments, or insurance.
Eligible Card means a U.S. issued American Express Card that is eligible for coverage under the Group
Eligible Traveler means you and your Family Members and Traveling Companions who purchase a
Covered Trip to your Eligible Card.
Evidence of Coverage (EOC) means the summary of benefits set forth below which describes the terms,
conditions, limitations and exclusions of the coverage provided to you at no additional charge under the
Group Policy. Representations or promises made by anyone that are not contained in the Group Policy
are not part of your coverage. In the event the EOC, Key Terms, or Legal Disclosures of this Guide to
Benefits conflict with the provisions of the Group Policy, the terms of the Group Policy govern your
Family Member means a spouse, Domestic Partner, or unmarried dependent child up to age 19 (or
under age twenty-six (26) if a full time student at an accredited college or university).
Group Policy means the Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance Policy that New Hampshire
Insurance Company, an AIG Company, issued to American Express Trust, which is the subject of this
Guide to Benefits.
Physician means a licensed medical, surgical, or dental practitioner acting within the scope of his or her
license. The treating Physician may not be an Eligible Traveler, an Eligible Traveler’s Family Member, a
Traveling Companion or related to an Eligible Traveler by blood.
Pre-Existing Condition means any condition resulting from any injury or Sickness affecting an Eligible
Traveler, a Traveling Companion, or a Family Member traveling with an Eligible Traveler within the
sixty (60) day period prior to the purchase date of a Covered Trip. The condition must have (a) first
manifested itself or exhibited symptoms which would have caused one to seek diagnosis, care, or
treatment; (b) required taking prescribed drugs or medicine; or (c) required medical treatment or
treatment was recommended by a Physician. Taking maintenance medications for a condition that is
considered stable is not included as a Pre-Existing Condition.
Sickness means ill health, disorder, or unsound condition of the Eligible Traveler.
Terrorist Action means an act of violence by any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any
organization which is generally recognized as having the intent to overthrow or influence the control of
any government, that is deemed terrorism by the United States Government, other than civil disorder or
riot, and is not an act of war, declared or undeclared, and results in loss of life or major damage to
Traveling Companion means an individual who has made advanced arrangements with you or your
Family Members to travel together for all or part of a Covered Trip.
Travel Supplier means a tour operator, innkeeper, resort, or a cruise line, airline, railroad or other
Common Carrier.
Trip Cancellation means the cancellation of travel arrangements when the Eligible Traveler is prevented
from traveling on a Common Carrier for a Covered Trip on or before the departure of the Covered Trip.
Trip Interruption means the interruption of the Covered Trip either on the way to the point of
departure or after departure of the Covered Trip.
Evidence of Coverage
Refer to Key Terms for the definitions of you, your, we, us, our, and words that appear in bold. This EOC
is subject to the Legal Disclosures set forth below.
A. To get coverage:
You must charge the full amount of a Covered Trip to your Eligible Card or in combination with your
Eligible Card and accumulated points on your Eligible Card or redeemable certificates, vouchers,
coupons, or discounts awarded from a frequent flyer program or similar program.
B. Covered Losses:
Covered Losses include Trip Cancellations or Trip Interruptions that result from the following:
1. Accidental Bodily Injury or loss of life or Sickness of either the Eligible Traveler, Traveling
Companion or a Family Member of the Eligible Traveler or Traveling Companion;
2. Inclement weather, which prevents a reasonable and prudent person from traveling or continuing
on a Covered Trip;
3. The Eligible Traveler or his or her spouse’s change in military orders;
4. Terrorist Action or hijacking;
5. Call to jury duty or subpoena by the courts, either of which cannot be postponed or waived;
6. The Eligible Traveler or Traveling Companion’s dwelling made uninhabitable; or
7. Quarantine imposed by a Physician for health reasons.
C. The kind of coverage you receive with Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance:
Trip Cancellation
We will reimburse you for the nonrefundable amount paid to a Travel Supplier with your Eligible Card if
a Covered Loss causes an Eligible Traveler’s Trip Cancellation, subject to the cancellation provisions in
effect at the time the Travel Supplier is notified of cancellation.
If a Physician advises the Eligible Traveler that a Covered Trip is medically inadvisable, the Eligible
Traveler must immediately notify the appropriate Travel Supplier of his or her Trip Cancellation after
receiving such medical advice. If the Eligible Traveler does not provide such notification, our payment
will not exceed the cancellation penalties imposed by the Travel Supplier and in effect during the forty-
eight (48) hour period immediately following the Physician’s notice that travel was not advisable,
subject to any other limits set forth herein.
Trip Interruption
If a Covered Loss causes an Eligible Traveler’s Trip Interruption, we will reimburse you for the
nonrefundable amount paid to a Travel Supplier with your Eligible Card for the following:
1. The forfeited, non-refundable, pre-paid land, air and sea transportation arrangements that
were missed; and
2. Additional transportation expenses that the Eligible Traveler incurs less any available
refunds, not to exceed the cost of an economy-class air ticket by the most direct route for the
Eligible Traveler to rejoin his or her Common Carrier Covered Trip or to return to his or her
place of origin.
If a Covered Loss causes an Eligible Traveler to temporarily postpone transportation by Common Carrier
for a Covered Trip and a new departure date is set, we will reimburse you for the following:
1. The additional expenses incurred to purchase tickets for the new departure (not to exceed
the difference between the original fare and the economy fare for the rescheduled Covered
Trip by the most direct route); and
2. The unused, non-refundable land, air, and sea arrangements paid to a Travel Supplier with
your Eligible Card.
D. Term of Coverage:
Coverage begins on the date the Covered Trip was purchased and ends immediately at the time the
Covered Trip is completed.
An Eligible Traveler’s coverage terminates on any of the following dates: The date the Eligible Traveler
is no longer eligible to participate; the date the Eligible Card is determined to be ineligible by the
participating organization; the date the participating organization ceases to pay premium on the Group
Policy; the date the participating organization ceases to participate in the Group Policy; or the date the
Group Policy is terminated.
E. Coverage Limitations:
The maximum benefit amount for Trip Cancellation Insurance is $10,000 per Covered Trip and $20,000
per Eligible Card per 12 consecutive month period.
The maximum benefit amount for Trip Interruption Insurance is $10,000 per Covered Trip and $20,000
per Eligible Card per 12 consecutive month period.
Coverage is secondary to and in excess of any other applicable insurance or benefit available to the
Eligible Traveler including benefits provided by the Travel Supplier, such as exchanged tickets, drop in
ticket prices, goodwill payments, refunds, credits, or vouchers. In no event will this coverage apply as
contributing insurance. This “noncontribution” clause will take precedence over the “noncontribution”
clauses found in other insurance or indemnity language. Coverage is not available in states where
F. What is NOT covered:
For Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance, coverage does not apply to any Accident, Accidental
Bodily Injury, or loss caused by or resulting from the following, directly or indirectly:
Pre-Existing Conditions.
The Eligible Traveler’s suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury.
A declared or undeclared war.
Mental or emotional disorders, unless hospitalized.
The Eligible Traveler’s participation in a sporting activity for which he or she receives a salary or
prize money.
The Eligible Traveler being intoxicated at the time of an Accident. Intoxication is defined by the
laws of the jurisdiction where such Accident occurs.
The Eligible Traveler being under the influence of any narcotic or other controlled substance at the
time of an Accident, unless the narcotic or other controlled substance is taken and used as
prescribed by a Physician.
The Eligible Traveler’s commission or attempted commission of any illegal or criminal act, including
but not limited to any felony.
The Eligible Traveler parachuting from an aircraft.
The Eligible Traveler engaging or participating in a motorized vehicular race or speed contest.
Dental treatment except as a result of Accidental Bodily Injury to sound, natural teeth.
Any non-emergency treatment or surgery, routine physical examinations.
Hearing aids, eye glasses or contact lenses.
One-way travel that does not have a return destination.
A counterfeit scheduled airline or train ticket; or a scheduled airline or train ticket which is charged
to a fraudulently issued or fraudulently used Eligible Card.
Any occurrence while the Eligible Traveler is incarcerated.
Loss due to intentional acts by the Eligible Traveler.
Financial insolvency of a travel agency, tour operator, or Travel Supplier.
Any expenses that are not authorized and reimbursable by the Eligible Traveler’s employer if the
Eligible Traveler makes the purchases with a commercial Card
G. How to file a claim:
Notification of Claims: You must notify the Administrator of your claim within sixty (60) days of the
Covered Loss or the claim may not be honored. You must also notify the Travel Supplier and complete
its claim procedures. To open a claim, please call 1-844-933-0648.
Claim Forms: Upon receipt of notice of your claim, we will furnish you with such instructions as are
usually furnished by us for filing proof of loss.
Proof of Loss: You must furnish written proof of loss to us within 180 days after the date of your loss.
Failure to file such proof within the time required will not invalidate or reduce your claim if it was not
reasonably possible to give proof within such time, provided you furnish such proof as soon as
reasonably possible and in no event, except in the absence of legal capacity, later than one (1) year from
the time proof is otherwise required. Required documentation may include the following:
Copies of your Common Carrier tickets and Travel Supplier receipts.
Your Eligible Card billing statement showing the charges for the Covered Trip.
Proof of Covered Loss, as applicable, including court subpoenas, orders to report for active duty,
Physician orders, etc.
A copy of the Travel Supplier’s cancellation policy.
Any other information that may be reasonably requested by us to validate your claim.
Legal Disclosure
This Guide to Benefits is not, by itself, a policy or contract of insurance or other contract. Benefits are
provided to you, the Card Member, at no additional charge.
The insurance benefits are provided under the Group Policy issued by New Hampshire Insurance
Company, an AIG company. This Guide to Benefits is a summary of benefits provided to you. The
attached Key Terms and EOC are governed by the Group Policy.
Effective date of benefits: This Guide to Benefits replaces all prior disclosures, program descriptions,
advertising, and brochures by any party. The Policyholder and we reserve the right to change the
benefits and features of these programs at any time. Notice will be provided for any changes.
Cancellation: The Policyholder may cancel these benefits at any time or choose not to renew the
insurance coverage for all Eligible Cards. If the Policyholder cancels these benefits, you will be notified in
advance. If we terminate, cancel, or choose not to renew the coverage to the Policyholder, you will be
notified as soon as is practicable. Insurance benefits will still apply for any eligible coverage that
attaches prior to the date of such termination, cancellation, or non-renewal, subject to the terms and
conditions of coverage.
Benefits to you: These benefits apply only to U.S. issued Eligible Cards. No person or entity other than
you shall have any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim for benefits, insurance proceeds and
damages under or arising out of these programs. These benefits do not apply if your card privileges have
been cancelled. However, insurance benefits will still apply for any benefit you were eligible for prior to
the date that your Eligible Card is suspended or cancelled, subject to the terms and conditions of
Legal Actions: No action at law or in equity may be brought to recover under the Group Policy prior to
the expiration of 60 days after written proof of loss has been furnished in accordance with the
requirements of the Group Policy. No such action may be brought after the expiration of two (2) years
from the time written proof of loss is required to be furnished.
Transfer of rights or benefits: The Group Policy is not assignable, but the benefits may be assigned.
Intentional Misrepresentation and Fraud: If any request for benefits made under the Group Policy is
determined to be fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by you or anyone qualifying
as an insured to obtain benefits under the Group Policy, all benefits will be forfeited. No coverage is
provided if you or anyone qualifying as an insured does the following: (1) Conceals or misrepresents any
fact upon which we rely, if the concealment or misrepresentation is material and is made with the intent
to deceive; or (2) conceals or misrepresents any fact that contributes to the loss.
Due Diligence: The Eligible Traveler must exercise or perform all vigilant activity, attentiveness, and care
that would be exercised or performed by a reasonable and prudent person in the same or similar
circumstances to avoid, diminish, or reduce any loss or damage insured under the Group Policy.
Subrogation: If payment is made under these benefits, we are entitled to recover such amounts, to the
extent of our payments, from other parties or persons. Any party or person who receives payment
under these benefits must transfer to us his or her rights to recovery against any other party or person
and must do everything necessary to secure these rights and must do nothing that would jeopardize
Other Limitation: Benefits listed in this Guide to Benefits are subject to the conditions, limitations, and
exclusions described in each benefit section. Receipt and/or possession of this Guide to Benefits does
not guarantee coverage or coverage availability.
This Guide is intended as a summary of services, benefits, and coverages and, in case of a conflict
between the Guide and the Group Policy, the Group Policy shall control. Provision of services is subject
to availability and applicable legal restrictions.
Washington Residents: For Washington residents only, Evidence of Coverage (EOC) means the section
of this Guide to Benefits that describes the terms, conditions, and exclusions of your coverage. The EOC,
Key Terms, and Legal Disclosures are the entire agreement between you and us. Representations or
promises made by anyone that are not contained in the EOC, Key Terms, or Legal Disclosures are not
part of your coverage. In case of a conflict between this Guide to Benefits and the Group Policy, the
Guide to Benefits shall control.