Callum Jones
Constitution Ave NW & 20th St NW, Washington, D.C. 20551
+1 202 577 7240 [email protected]
New York University, New York August 2011 - May 2017
PhD in Economics
University of Technology, Sydney June 2010 - June 2011
Graduate Certificate in Mathematics
University of Western Australia January 2006 - July 2009
Bachelor of Economics (Hons)
Graduate Certificate in IT
Federal Reserve Board October 2020 - present
Monetary Studies Section, Monetary Affairs Department
International Monetary Fund September 2017 - September 2020
Research Department / Western Hemisphere Department
Reserve Bank of Australia July 2009 - July 2011
Research Department
Working Papers
Deeds Not Words: Inflation in the United States, Japan and Chile
with Mariano Kulish and Juan Pablo Nicolini
The Inflation Accelerator
with Andres Blanco, Corina Boar, and Virgiliu Midrigan
Nonlinear Inflation Dynamics in Menu Cost Economies
with Andres Blanco, Corina Boar, and Virgiliu Midrigan
Supply Chain Constraints and Inflation
with Diego Comin and Robert Johnson
A Structural Measure of the Shadow Federal Funds Rate
with Mariano Kulish and James Morley
Credit Cycles, Fiscal Policy, and Global Imbalances
with Pau Rabanal
Journal of International Economics, Revise and Resubmit
Priors and the Slope of the Phillips Curve
with Mariano Kulish and Juan Pablo Nicolini
Unanticipated Shocks and Forward Guidance at the Zero Lower Bound
Published and Accepted Papers
Import Constraints
with Diego Comin and Robert Johnson
AER: Papers and Proceedings, 2024
Is There a Stable Relationship between Unemployment and Future Inflation?
with Terry Fitzgerald, Mariano Kulish and Juan Pablo Nicolini
AEJ: Macroeconomics, Forthcoming
Aging, Secular Stagnation and the Business Cycle
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023
Household Leverage and the Recession
with Virgiliu Midrigan and Thomas Philippon
Econometrica, 2022
Entry Costs and Aggregate Dynamics
with Germ´an Guti´errez and Thomas Philippon
Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021
Yield Curve Control and Zero Interest Rate Policy in a Small Open Economy
with Mariano Kulish
Australian Economic Review, 2022
International Spillovers of Forward Guidance Shocks
with Mariano Kulish and Daniel Rees
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2021
Optimal Mitigation Policies in a Pandemic: Social Distancing and Working from Home
with Thomas Philippon and Venky Venkateswaran
Review of Financial Studies, 2021
A Graphical Representation of an Estimated DSGE Model, with Mariano Kulish
Applied Economics, 2016
Long-Term Interest Rates, Risk Premia and Unconventional Monetary Policy, with Mariano Kulish.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2013
Detection of Anticipated Structural Changes in a Rational Expectations Environment, with Luis Uzeda.
Applied Economics Letters, 2013
Time-varying Term Premia and the Expectations Hypothesis in Australia, with Richard Finlay
Applied Economics Letters, 2011
Return to Wine: A Comparison of the Hedonic, Repeat-Sales and Hybrid Approaches, with James Fogarty.
Australian Economic Papers, 2011
House Price Measurement: The Hybrid Hedonic Repeat-Sales Method
The Economic Record, 2010
Other Papers and Contributions
The Rise of Corporate Market Power and its Macroeconomic Effects
World Economic Outlook, April 2019
The Revised External Balance Assessment (EBA) Methodology: 2018 Update
International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 2019
External Sector Report
International Monetary Fund, July 2018
Inflation in an Era of Relative Price Shocks, with Renee Fry and Christopher Kent
Reserve Bank of Australia Conference Volume, 2010
JA Wood Memorial Prize, University of Western Australia
Citizenship: Australia, United Kingdom.