Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
Award Courses with External Accreditation and Registration
Requirements Table
Additional English requirements (other
than IELTS or an equivalent approved
English test)
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry courses (for all streams),
including embedded Graduate Diplomas in Clinical
Dentistry and Graduate Certificates in Clinical
Dentistry (for all streams)
Sydney School of Dentistry requires
applicants to meet one of the following
criteria by the application closing date if they
do not have a valid English test result:
i. Current AHPRA registration as
a dental practitioner or;
ii. Successful completion of requisite
secondary and tertiary study
requirements undertaken in
Australia, New Zealand, Canada,
USA, UK, South Africa or Republic
of Ireland as
specified by AHPRA (Registration
Standards, Dental Board of Australia)
Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)
Bachelor of Arts / Master of Nursing
Bachelor of Science / Master of Nursing
Bachelor of Science (Health) / Master of Nursing
Master of Nursing
Admission to pre-registration
courses offered by the Susan Wakil
School of Nursing requires meeting
applicable standards specified in
the Nursing and Midwifery Board of
Australia Registration Standard:
English Language Skills, including
those relating to duration, location
and nature of study.
Faculty of Science
Master of Clinical Psychology
Master of Clinical Psychology/Doctor of Philosophy
Additional English language requirements
apply under the current Australian Health
Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
standards for registration. Where these are
inconsistent with University of Sydney
standards, the higher standard will apply for
Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
Course or Faculty / University School-specific
English Language Requirements Undergraduate Table
Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning
All undergraduate courses
Bachelor of Design in Architecture
(Honours) / Master of Architecture
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Advanced
Studies (Media and Communications)
Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of
Economics / Bachelor of Advanced
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of
Bachelor of Economics (Dual Degree:
Sciences Po, France)
Bachelor of Education (all streams) and
combined degrees
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy, and
Bachelor of Media and Communications
Sydney Business School
All undergraduate courses including
combined degrees except combined law
(see below)
Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
Faculty of Engineering
Bachelor of Advanced Computing /
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Engineering Honours /
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil) /
Bachelor of Design in Architecture
Sydney Law School
All undergraduate courses (combined law)
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Bachelor of Oral Health
Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Dental
Health Sciences
Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise
Bachelor of Applied Science
(Occupational Therapy)
Bachelor of Applied Science
Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech
Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
Bachelor of Arts / Doctor of Medicine
Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Medicine
Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)
Bachelor of Arts / Master of Nursing
Bachelor of Science / Master of
Bachelor of Science (Health) / Master of
All Nursing courses except the above pre-
registration courses
Faculty of Science
Bachelor of Science / Master of Nutrition
and Dietetics
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology / Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine
Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
Course or Faculty / University School-specific English
Language Requirements Postgraduate Table
The University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning
All postgraduate research courses
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Master of Art Curating, Graduate Diploma
in Art Curating, Graduate Certificate in Art
Master of Creative Writing, Graduate
Diploma in Creative Writing, Graduate
Certificate in Creative Writing
Master of Cross-cultural and Applied
Linguistics, Graduate Diploma in Cross-
cultural and Applied Linguistics, Graduate
Certificate in Cross-cultural and Applied
Master of Cultural Studies, Graduate
Diploma in Cultural Studies, Graduate
Certificate in Cultural Studies
Master of Digital Communication and
Culture, Graduate Diploma in Digital
Communication and Culture, Graduate
Certificate in Digital Communication and
Master of Economic Analysis, Graduate
Diploma in Economic Analysis
Master of Economics, Graduate Diploma
in Economics, Graduate Certificate in
Master of English Studies, Graduate
Diploma in English Studies, Graduate
Certificate in English Studies
Master of Health Communication,
Graduate Diploma in Health
Communication, Graduate Certificate in
Health Communication
Master of International Relations, Graduate
Diploma in International Relations,
Graduate Certificate in International
Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
Master of International Security,
Graduate Diploma in International
Security, Graduate Certificate in
International Security
Master of International Studies, Graduate
Diploma in International Studies,
Graduate Certificate in International
Master of Media Practice, Graduate
Diploma in Media Practice, Graduate
Certificate in Media Practice
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies,
Graduate Diploma in Museum and
Heritage Studies, Graduate Certificate in
Museum and Heritage Studies
Master of Political Economy, Graduate
Diploma in Political Economy, Graduate
Certificate in Political Economy
Master of Public Policy, Graduate
Diploma in Public Policy, Graduate
Certificate in Public Policy
Master of Publishing, Graduate Diploma
in Publishing, Graduate Certificate in
Master of Strategic Public Relations,
Graduate Diploma in Strategic Public
Relations, Graduate Certificate in
Strategic Public Relations
Education and Social Work
Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
Master of Teaching
The University of Sydney Business School
All postgraduate coursework courses
All research degrees
Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
Faculty of Engineering
Master of Complex Systems, Graduate
Diploma in Complex Systems
Master of Project and Program
Management, Graduate Certificate in
Program and Project Management
Master of Transport, Graduate Certificate
in Transport, Graduate Diploma in
The University of Sydney Law School
Juris Doctor
All other postgraduate (coursework and
research) courses
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine and
Master of Philosophy (Medicine and
Master of International Ophthalmology,
Graduate Diploma in International
Sydney Professional Certificates in:
Commercialisation of Pharmaceuticals
and Medical Devices
Complementary Medicines Regulation
Diabetes Management
Diagnostic Electroencephalography
Intensive Care Medicine
Metabolic Health
Metabolic Management
Neurological Electrodiagnosis Oncoplastic
Breast Surgery Retrieval Medicine
Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
Sydney Health Executive Education
Master of Advanced Surgery (Breast
Surgery), Graduate Diploma in Advanced
Surgery (Breast Surgery), Graduate
Certificate in Advanced Surgery (Breast
Master of Biomedical Science in
(including embedded degrees):
Infection and Immunity
Genomics and Precision Medicine
Master of Medicine (stream), Master of
Medicine (Advanced) (stream), Master of
Science in Medicine (stream), Master of
Science in Medicine (Advanced) (stream),
Master of Medicine (stream) /Master of
Philosophy, Graduate Diploma in
Medicine (stream), Graduate Diploma in
Science in Medicine (stream), Graduate
Certificate in Medicine (stream), Graduate
Certificate in Science in Medicine
This applies to the following streams:
Critical Care Medicine
Clinical Neurophysiology
Child and Adolescent Health
General Practice and Primary Health Care
Infection and Immunity Internal Medicine
Metabolic Health
Paediatric Medicine
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Sleep Medicine
Trauma-informed Psychiatry
Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
All Dentistry and Dental Medicine
coursework courses
Health Sciences
Doctor of Physiotherapy
Master of Diagnostic Radiography
Master of Exercise Physiology
Master of Occupational Therapy
Master of Speech Language Pathology
Doctor of Medicine
Master of Nursing (Pre-registration)
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
All postgraduate coursework courses other
than the Master of Nursing (Pre-
registration) and Master of Nutrition and
Admissions Standards English Language Proficiency Tables
Undergraduate Studies Committee [Approved 14 April 2024]
Graduate Studies Committee
All postgraduate award courses
IELTS Overall band score of 7.0 or better,
with no component being below 6.5
Public Health
Master of Bioethics, Graduate Diploma in
Bioethics, Graduate Certificate in
IELTS overall band score of 7.0, with at least
6.5 in each of the components
Sydney Conservatorium of Music
All postgraduate (coursework and
research) award course except for those
IELTS Overall band score of 7.0 with no band
less than 6.5
Master of Music Studies (Opera
Performance), Graduate Diploma in Music
(Opera Performance)
IELTS Overall band score of 7.0 with no band
less than 6.0
Graduate Diploma of Music
(Performance), Master of Music Studies
IELTS Overall band of 6.0
Faculty of Science
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
IELTS Overall band score of 7.0 or better with
a minimum score of 7.0 in each of the
Master of Clinical Psychology, Master of
Clinical Psychology/Doctor of Philosophy
IELTS Overall band score of 7.0 with no band
less than 7.0
For applicants not presenting a valid IELTS or
equivalent approved English test, separate
English requirements set by external
registration bodies apply for admission to this
course see Award Courses with External
Accreditation and Registration Requirements
Master of Environmental Science and Law
IELTS Overall band score of 7.0 with no band
less than 6.0
Master of Science in Coaching
Psychology; Graduate Diploma in
Coaching Psychology; Graduate
Certificate in Coaching Psychology
IELTS Overall band score of 7.5 as a
minimum on each band with no band below a
score of 6.0
Master of Veterinary Studies/ Master of
Veterinary Clinical Studies
Note: This course is listed on the University
courses website as two separate courses:
Master of Veterinary Studies (Clinical
Residency Program) and Master of
Veterinary Clinical Studies
IELTS Overall band score of 7.0 with at least
6.5 in each component.