The Recre8 Program: Spring 2022
Dear Young People, Parents, and Carers
Welcome to the Recre8 Program!
The intention of this information pack is to pass on important information about the
upcoming Recre8 Program Prep Camp and Expedition, as well as some more important
forms we need you to complete.
Firstly, we would like to introduce the Recre8 team:
Andy Hamilton is our Team Leader and Lead Psychologist for the Recre8 Program. He
is also the Program Manager and founder of Human Nature Adventure Therapy and is
passionate about supporting young people to grow, heal and find their potential
through therapeutic adventures in the bush.
Heidi Vial is an Adventure Therapist and Social Worker with much passion for
supporting young people to overcome challenges and connect with their authentic
self. Heidi believes that adolescence years provide a beautiful opportunity for growth
and healing, and she loves supporting young people in their journey to find their own
unique identity.
Sally McAdamis aTherapeutic Mentor, a brilliant trainer and also a fun-lovingskipper
who is passionate about experiential learning, seamanship and sustainable practice.
Sally brings laughter and passion to the crew.
Alex Mlodziejewski is an Adventure Therapist and Counsellor with a wealth of
experience supporting young people to engage in their lives in a way that supports
healthy foundations for purposeful living. Alex is also an equine therapist and keen
rock climber.
Ingrid Neumannis an experienced outdoor activity leader and group facilitator, with a
great balance of fun and safe practice. Ingrid brings a steady and capable hand to
the crew.
Danni Lambertis a science teacher (yawn) with a passion for the natural world and
doing practical stuff (yay!). Danni is a fantastic sailor, who brings a sense of wonder,
fun and excitement to the crew.
The outdoor components of the Program are run together with the Blue Peter Sea School
(, which is a training/outdoor education organisation focused
Human Nature Adventure Therapy Ltd., Recre8 Program Information
on enhancing the use of adventure education approaches, particularly in the marine
environment. They will ensure that we have a safe and successful Preparation Camp,
Expedition and Reunion, and provide comprehensive risk management, first-aid and
emergency support.
We are all very much looking forward to making the upcoming program a positive and
life-changing experience for all involved.
By now one of us should have spoken with most of you, and met with your young person, but
if you have any additional questions or need any clarification on the information provided
please do not hesitate to contact
Andy on 0438 323 510 or [email protected]
Sally on 0458 067 240 or [email protected]
Heidi on 0436 652 161 or [email protected]
Warm regards,
Andy Hamilton, Sally McAdam, Heidi Vial and Alex Mlodziejewski
The Program
The program has been specifically designed to present you with the opportunity, as an
individual and as part of a group, to challenge yourself to venture beyond the familiar and
awaken your true potential. We will take you on a unique journey of self-discovery where
leadership, communication, teamwork and other vital life skills will be essential elements
toward achieving this objective.
With the encouragement and support of the group and the support staff, you’ll learn that
with perseverance and a belief in yourself, you can achieve so much more than you ever
thought possible. Whatever the reasons for coming, you will leave revitalised, with a sense of
pride in their achievements, a heightened sense of your potential and an enhanced capacity
to take control of your life.
Code of Conduct
Enrolment applications are accepted in agreement that each participant will abide by our
conditions and instructions and acknowledge the right of all participants to enjoy their own
experience. If any participant’s behaviour is such that it jeopardises safety, seriously detracts
from the enjoyment of other participants or their optimum opportunity for growth, then that
participant may be removed from the program at their own expense. In these instances, no
refund of any program contributions will be made.
Human Nature Adventure Therapy Ltd., Recre8 Program Information
Clothing and Equipment
Please be sure to bring everything on the clothing and equipment list. Anything not taken on
the program can be left in the bag you bring (we will provide the hiking backpack for the
program). Valuables can be locked up safely. You will get everything back at the end of the
expedition in time to get changed to go home.
What NOT to Bring on the Program
Valuables, entertainment items (music players, radios, computer games etc.), mobile
phones, extra food, confectionery, drugs, alcohol or chewing gum. We will provide all of the
food and entertainment you need!
What We Will Be Supplying
All technical and activity equipment including, backpacks, tents, group cooking gear and
Getting Fit
You will get more out of the program if you have done some physical preparation
beforehand. We suggest that you incorporate one hour of active exercise into your daily
routine. If possible, you can also set aside an extra 10 minutes a day for some strengthening
exercises. If you can start doing this at least 4 weeks prior to expedition, earlier if possible, the
bigger the difference it will make to your adventure. We understand that every individual has
a varying degree of ability and fitness and if you have concerns about your ability and
fitness, please consult a medical professional for a suitable exercise regime.
Health Information
It is important that all forms are returned to us by the date specified. This allows staff time to
prepare and to contact you if we have further questions. If you have been in recent contact
with any serious infections, you should postpone attendance. Any health problems should be
attended to before the program. Any medication for recurrent/continuing conditions
should be brought with you.
Your program contribution does not include accident cover and we advise you to ensure
you have adequate medical insurance in case of accident or injury, including ambulance
Human Nature Adventure Therapy Ltd., Recre8 Program Information
Covid-19 Procedures
In planning for and delivering Recre8, Human Nature Adventure Therapy takes seriously our
responsibility to provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, an environment
that is safe and without risks to the health of participants and employees. This includes
preventing, and where prevention is not possible, reducing risks to health or safety
associated with potential exposure to COVID-19. kmghces
Our Covid-19 Safety Plan details the responsibilities and actions of Human Nature Adventure
Therapy staff in areas such as screening for Covid-19. All participants need to be aware that
they will not be able to commence the program if they have COVID-19 symptoms or have
tested positive to Covid-19 in the last 7 days. Unfortunately, if any participant develops
COVID-19 symptoms while away, they will also need to be removed from the program.
At all times, the Safety Plan is subject to all regulations, guidelines and directions of
government and public health authorities. Our Covid-19 Safety Plan is available for program
participants, parents/carers, and referring services on request.
Recre8 Program Details
Tuesday 2nd August: All paperwork needs to be submitted by this date (at the latest
Human Nature Referral Form (Should be already submitted).
Recre8 Spring 2022 Consent and Medical Details Form
Recre8 Application - young person
Financial Contribution Form – to indicate to us who might be making any financial
contributions on behalf of your young person.
Tuesday - Wednesday 16
- 17
August: Two Day Preparation Camp at Broken Head.
Tues 30th August – Thurs 8th September: Recre8 ten-day Expedition at Moreton Island/Bay,
Wed 5
- Thurs 6th
October: Two Day Reunion Camp in the Mullumbimby area - details to
be confirmed.
The Preparation-Camp (Prep Camp):
Tuesday 16th - Wednesday 17th August
Human Nature Adventure Therapy Ltd., Recre8 Program Information
The Prep Camp is a two-day, overnight camp, which is a chance to get a taste of what the
Recre8 experience will be like. The camp introduces the Program and provides a practice
run for the Expedition. We will be going on an overnight hike and camping out. To be held in
the Broken Head area (between Lennox Head and Byron Bay NSW).
The young people will meet and get to know all of the other crew, take their gear for a ‘test
drive’, learn some skills, get a sense of the expectations of the program and have fun.
Among other things we will be learning how to use gear, packing our hiking packs, hiking to
our campsite, setting up camp, preparing our meals and more.
The Prep Camp also allows the team to see how all the young people get along with each
other, to make some group agreements and help them prepare for what to expect on the
expedition. After the Prep Camp, the team will re-assess the participants and decide who
can be fitted into a safe and well-functioning group. It is possible that not all will be invited
to the second phase, as we are only able to take 10 participants. Places may be available on
the next program for those who do not go ahead this time. This is not a pass or fail test. It is
just that some people may not be quite ready, or this particular group may not be suited to
On return from the camp your young person may be tired (many often don’t sleep so well on
their first night in the bush), excited or uncertain. If they are having doubts about coming on
the expedition, please allow them the space to make their own decision, but also support
them to look for solutions to any perceived obstacles they may be encountering. They (or
you) are encouraged to contact the Recre8 team with questions or concerns to help this
process. We would like to accommodate their needs as much as possible.
Travel Arrangements for The Prep Camp
For the Prep Camp you will need to take your young person to the meeting point – Broken
Head Hall. For those who can’t organise transport we will do our best to assist by connecting
you with other families coming from the same area. We also like to support transport sharing
with each other to minimise the driving for each family.
On arrival, we ask that any medication or updated medical information be brought to us. We
prefer if medications can be contained in a single container (or snap-lock bag) labelled with
name, dosage strength and times (include original pharmacy label). We will keep it secure
for them and make sure it is made available as needed. Once you have farewelled your
young person, please move off as soon as possible, to allow them to begin to mix with the
other participants.
Human Nature Adventure Therapy Ltd., Recre8 Program Information
Start: We will start the Prep Camp on Tuesday 16th August at 9.30am at the carpark of
Broken Head Hall – on the Corner of Broken Head Road and Midgin Flat Road, Broken Head.
Here is a link for the google maps location:
Finish: Is at the same location. We expect to be finished by approximately 3.30pm on
Wednesday 17th August. It can be difficult to predict exactly how long it will take to wrap
things up, so please be patient if we haven’t quite finished up.
The Expedition
Tuesday 30th August – Thurs 8th September
The expedition itself will be held in Moreton Bay, east of Brisbane – Quandamooka Country.
One day either side will be for travelling to the region, gear preparation and pack-down. The
expedition involves a wonderful beach walk to circumnavigate Moreton Island
(Moorgumpin) from north to south and will culminate in sailing back to the mainland via
several island campsites. Ultimately the achievement of the young people will be to travel
through this beautiful country “under their own steam” whilst experiencing immersion in the
wilderness. There is also a deeper therapeutic value to the journey, and they will be guided
and supported to reflect on their lives, come to know themselves more deeply and develop
goals and strategies for creating a fulfilling future. The unique combination of activities and
counselling throughout the journey provides a non-threatening context which promotes
self-esteem, independence, maturity, resilience, team spirit, social connectedness,
connection to country and motivation for life.
Travel arrangements for the expedition
Transport there: Departing Tuesday 30th August at 7.15am there will be a bus that will
travel from Tyagarah (near Byron Bay), through Tweed Heads. You will need to arrange for
your young person to be at the “Byron Pacific Highway Fuel Stop” (Shell Service Station)
Tyagarah, which is just off the Southern of the two Mullumbimby exits off the Pacific Highway,
on the East side of the Highway. If you live North of there, please contact us to arrange a
pick-up point along the highway.
We need to be at Tangalooma Ferry terminal at Holt Street Wharf in Brisbane by 11.00am. We
will be catching a ferry from there to Moreton Island – so it is important we are on time (there
is only one passenger ferry per day).
Transport back: The bus will return by the same route in the afternoon of Thursday
September 8
, finishing up at the same point - “Byron Pacific Highway Fuel Stop” (Shell
Service Station) Tyagarah. We expect to be back mid-afternoon, but it can be difficult to
predict the exact time, so we will be in touch on the way home to confirm.
Human Nature Adventure Therapy Ltd., Recre8 Program Information
Family and supporters are encouraged to meet your young person on our return. It would be
wonderful if you could be there to welcome them back to the world. They will be a bit grubby
but very happy to see you and to head home for a shower, a feed and a big sleep. Whilst in
the wilderness, the young people often realise just how important family is and really
appreciate having their loved ones there to welcome them home.
Emergency contacts:
Your contact in case of emergency is the Blue Peter Sea School who will also be providing
our ground support Contact Yonna Powell 0427 762 469 or Jono Goss 428 868 169. We will
be carrying emergency beacons and a Satellite phone in case of emergency, but you will not
be able to contact us directly while we are on program. You can get a message to us
through Blue Peter on the number given above, if absolutely necessary. During travel there
and back you may be able to contact Sally on 0458 067 240,. Heidi on 0436 652 161 or Andy
on 0438 323 510 (if mobile reception allows).
Wed/Thurs 5th - 6th October
The Reunion Camp is a chance for the participants and leaders to get together again, catch
up, re-cap on our adventures and reflect on how things have been going since the journey.
It involves some outdoors activity, a slideshow of photos, storytelling from the expedition and
a presentation of certificates of achievement. More details will be provided after the
See you soon!
The Recre8 team: Sally, Heidi, Alexandra, Andy, Ingrid &Danni
Human Nature Adventure Therapy Ltd., Recre8 Program Information